Comments • 7
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    Firefox can be used together with LeechBlock extension

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    Safe Browsing in Google Chrome is a good start but using it in conjunction with an app like AdGuard enhances the protection mechanism.

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    I have been using the Screen Time on iPhone to block some of the websites and it has been easy to do without the need of any other app.

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    There are some good ideas on this post but I suggest that you allow someone you can really trust to set a screen time password. Then they can block any application that you wish to block

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    I deactivated my pages on all the social networks. However, if I click through to a story on a different site that links me to social media, I can’t see the full post or scroll through it at all, and so I have gotten used to it and no longer get the urge. Chrome and YouTube however, are my current ones that I am in the process of dealing with. I have not come across an android application that will block what I want blocked without almost completely switching off the phone which is quite inconvenient and terrifying.

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    On iPhone employ screen time, content restrictions, block websites, and set a password you do not know. On Android either AppGuard and give it all the permissions or use Family Link with a fake child account

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    I also put parental controls on my phone– I have set it up so it cannot access some websites such as Facebook. Please have another person to set that password for you so that you will not unlock those controls whenever you wish to.

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