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    I was able to download an application that is not available in my country I would like to know whether I can make charges as well since the country on my Mastercard is different from the country I identified with in Google.

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    Thanks a lot,! I agree with other commentators that at least ifs, Google’s own instructions are not good at all.

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    Thank you for this explanation because, for some reason, Google’s own guidelines about how to switch between countries are so complicated and vicious circle.

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    You’re a life savers

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    It worked for me

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    Very Helpful

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    Did you alter the country but did the currency alter as well?

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    thanks for helping me

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    I do have google Playstore a/c and I have Playstore balance and I do have a VPN a/c through which I created google Playstore a/c. I load my a/c through purchases of gift cards. This had so far been used to purchase apps from the US-based Playstore. Each time I entered that store, I would connect to a US IP via a VPN service. But last night I was lazy and omitted using a VPN connection. Now even with the US IP, it says Pay Balance can only be used in United States. Even, by clearing data/cache of the app was also not helpful. Any suggestions?

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    It does not work fully, one is able to download apps but if you attempt to make a purchase, it tells you that you have chosen the wrong country

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