Secure Gmail Messages: How to Encrypt Email

Once you send your emails, you surely tend to keep your information safe. Only secure connections are preferable by users. It is obvious since personal data safety is crucial. Thus, when dealing with email, you must expect secure email services. Gmail is the top mailing service with millions of users. Google assures advanced software implementation to guarantee email encryption. Lots of measures are taken to keep your private information from other parties. Still, if you want to keep your data from Google as well, extra encryption is requested. There are a few main ways to assure it correctly.
Gmail Service – Encryption Type
Google uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt emails. This is not the best encryption you can suggest. Once you deal with Gmail, you may need an additional one. TLS encryption must work on the receiver device, as well. This is the only way the letter remains encrypted. Moreover, encryption can take time. Besides, it can be hacked as well. Thus, your letters can be intercepted and read. Google can get our emails read as well. TSL does not save you from Google bots. They can check your messages and use them to create your profile. This means your information can be shared with third parties. Gmail checks your letters for phishing, malware, etc. This is another reason why your delicate information can be stolen. It is good Gmail offers at least TSL encryption. Still, you may need to check some additional security measures.
How to Encrypt Your Emails?
Google cannot gain access to your private account. The company’s employees are not equipped to monitor your messages. Still, Google bots easily scroll through your emails, gathering your personal data. Further, they use it to build your user profile. Sure, you can change your setting to turn off the ad personalization. But to be sure your sensitive information is safe, you need more advanced methods. To encrypt Gmail messages, use an additional layer of encryption. There are two suitable ways. First, get a paid G Suite account. Second, use S/MIME encryption. Of course, you can encrypt your emails manually. For this, use third-party plugins.
S/MIME Encryption from Google
The paid G Suite is a way for the user to encrypt messages. In S/MIME encryption, you will get a user-specific key. This key will ensure a secure connection. You will need to provide the recipient with the mentioned key. In such a way, you will ensure encrypted messages. This is a safe method of email. Any other party will be enabled to encode your emails. They will simply lack a key for message decryption. This add-on also brings an additional benefit. You will be able to see and check the used method of encryption. They are divided into colors. Green color means S/MIME encryption, while gray refers to TLS encryption, and red to unencrypted messages. This encryption method is not perfect, though. You can still be hacked. The recipient needs to use S/MIME as well. Google bots can check your messages. It also takes time to deal with encryption since it is not set by default.
Use of Third-Party Plugins
Using third-party plugins can be beneficial. You can select one with the most suitable features. You can choose among Flowcrypt, SecureMail, or Mailvelope. Once working with Flowcrypt, you can install it on your PC. It is rather a desktop version for Gmail. It uses the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) method of encryption. This method also requires sharing your key to decrypt a message. You can use a password if needed. You still should share it with the addressee. SecureMail is an encryption plugin that suits only Google Chrome. It allows encrypting your messages once you click the “compose” button. You deal with passwords here. Also, you should share a password with a recipient. Besides, the receiver must use SecureMail as well. Mailvelope operates on PGP encryption and remains designed for Google Chrome. You need to keep protecting your sensitive information in letters. You can use the keys previously used with other PGP plugins. Also, you can generate some new ones. You must share your public key with the receiver to ensure encrypted messaging. Click the “compose” button to send encrypted letters.
How to Entirely Secure Your Email
You can use any encryption methods that suits you the most. Besides, check the advantages of every method. Once you want to use third-party plugins, check them in advance. None of the encryption methods are perfect. No encryption technology assures complete security. Still, you can greatly minimize the chances of your letters to be hacked. 100% security is some unreachable goal for lots of users. Also, numerous methods of encryption have a bunch of flaws as well. For example, plugins require time to send a secure email. They usually do not work on mobile tablets and devices. To secure your email, you often need to focus on the provider. The privacy-oriented ones can be a solution for your security issues. Lots of privacy-oriented providers assure a list of advantages users tend to achieve:
- Offers an appreciated zero-oriented policy, thus even employees gain no access to user’s private information;
- Assures a secure encrypted message delivery even if the recipient has another encryption type;
- Encrypts every detail of your email, including attachments;
- Offers special accounts for full secrecy.
There are many reasons why you tend to get secure email connections only. You can use your email service for work, personal messaging, or both. In any case, the safety of your sensitive information is crucial. Neither details of your business nor your personal life need to be shared with others. Encryption of every email is important. It keeps your private information and data safe. It also keeps you from online bots and hackers. No encryption method brings 100% security. Still, you greatly increase your chances to send and receive secure messages. Using additional VPN or private providers’ services can increase your security level greatly as well.
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