NASA was hacked with Raspberry Pi — everything you should know

Without a doubt, most people associate NASA with advanced technology. It is impossible to talk about the conquest of space if you do not guarantee advanced science and reliable security. But it is important to understand that there are no absolutely invulnerable companies. And if you haven’t heard about it yet, then you should know that in 2018 NASA was hacked. The shocking fact is that the hackers used a tiny Raspberry Pi computer that cost only $25.
During the hacking, the attackers managed to steal 23 files that contained very important and secret information. First, they gained access to information about the Martian Science Laboratory. Also, the attacker gained access to a file that contained information about the International Arms Trade Rules.
Such a violation seems to be very widespread indeed, especially for ordinary people who do not have any valuable information on their smartphones or computers. However, it is important to understand that in this situation, the hackers dispensed with technological resources and used a mini-computer. This means that each of us can be a threat. And the first thing you should understand is that public Wi-Fi can be very dangerous.
And yet, how was NASA hacked with such a small and cheap computer? Does this mean that anyone with $ 25 could do it?
Outdated approaches to cybersecurity
NASA really screwed up, according to the report. We were not talking about some ingenious hackers, it’s just that even the most basic security methods in such companies have failed. In particular, NASA staff did not take care of a complete and accurate IT inventory. There was no question of effectively tracking incidents and communicating these messages. This opened the way for hackers to connect to the network easily. Nobody noticed them even though they did not pass the authorization.
Another fact to be aware of is that NASA has not shared its networks, and this has also provided tremendous opportunities for cybercriminals. They roamed the networks and gained access to two of the three. Interestingly, the violation went unnoticed by the company’s employees for almost a year. And even after the problem was discovered, some flaws still existed.
We cannot feel 100% safe if even simple and cheap devices allow hackers to penetrate the networks of huge corporations. Just think about what a seasoned cybercriminal can do when they find a security hole in the devices of the average user.
$25 device opened up opportunities for hackers
If you’ve never seen a Raspberry Pi, you should know that this is a single-board computer. It is really very small because its size is comparable to the size of a credit card. However, its affordable cost and wide range of features make it attractive to users. For example, beginners use this computer for programming.
As you can imagine, when it comes to cyber threats, huge technological resources are not required. And if you think your networks are vulnerable, it’s time to take care of their security.
Every Internet user today should know at least the basic recommendations:
- create strong passwords and do not store them in one place;
- only connect to familiar Wi-Fi hotspots;
- use VPN to protect your IP address.
Such tools as VeePN are easy-to-use, affordable, fast, and, what is more important, reliable. Use them each time when you’re connected to the Internet, and you’ll feel safer in this era of cybercrime.
VeePN is freedom